Counterfeit M&M's®

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In my travels I've noticed that many countries have their own brand of counterfeit or lookalike M&M's®. Here are a few that I have picked up in my travels. I have now sent these to a collector in Germany, where they have been displayed at the Museum Plagiarius in Solingen.

For comparison purposes, here is a legitimate M&M's® package from Australia.

This is a fairly standard lookalike from Korea. In spite of the name, they are non-alcoholic.

This is another lookalike from Korea. These are delicious.

These are from Sudan and are actually quite good. They have no sugar coating, and the colors are just wishful thinking.

Hold this package upside-down for best results. These are from China and are a knockoff of the Australian M&M's® sold in Hong Kong. On the back it says, "Only disslued in your mouth Not in your hand." They are small, hard, and nearly inedible.

Jim Rees