Countries I've Visited


You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline – it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer. — Frank Zappa

By popular demand, I now use ISO 3166 as my reference, but still use common names when they are better known than the official ones. I include a country if it existed at the time I was there. Unless needed for disambiguation, I leave off "Republic of" and other prefixes.

Albania             Egypt               Liechtenstein       Singapore
Algeria             France              Macau               Slovakia
Argentina           Germany             Macedonia (FYROM)   Slovenia
Australia           Gibraltar           Malaysia            South Korea
Austria             Greece              Mexico              Soviet Union
Belgium             Hong Kong           Monaco              Spain
Bermuda             Hungary             Morocco             Switzerland
Bulgaria            Iceland             Nepal               Syria
Canada              India               Netherlands         Thailand
Chile               Indonesia           Panama              Tunisia
China               Ireland             Peru                Turkey
Colombia            Israel              Philippines         UK
Croatia (Hrvatska)  Italy               Poland              United States
Cuba                Jamaica             Portugal            Uruguay
Czech Republic      Japan               Romania             Vatican
DDR (East Germany)  Jordan              Russia              Vietnam
Dominican Republic  Laos (Lao PDR)

Countries I've Passed Through or Set Foot in

Places where I got stuck in the transit lounge at the airport, walked across the border without officially entering, or passed through on the train with a transit visa.

Abu Dhabi (UAE)
Burma (MMR)
North Korea (PRK)

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Jim Rees